Finishing the week at Liceo Atenas

We had the last volunteer at Liceo, the boys enjoyed the interactions with the local students so we decided to give them another chance to mirror some students' schedules.  I was able to get some pictures of them around campus interacting during the free time.

Also in the afternoon we had a guest lesson by the Belkis, a former Montessori teacher from Miami, FL.  She listened to the differences between American and Costa Rican schools as well as prompting the boys to go into more detail about the time at the school.

I will be heading back early tomorrow morning and Mrs. Rivera will be helping Mr. Rivera for the last part of the program.  For the long weekend events are planned in and around San José.  Highlights will include watching Costa Rica in a Gold Cup match.  They will have a chance to get souvenirs at a market in town among other activities.



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